Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mother's Day

Its almost that time of year again,the day we worship our Mom and show her our thanks.I found that when i became a Mom myself is when my true appreciation of my Mom began.I used to think i appreciated and adored her but once i had a child she became like a God to me once i realized what being a parent was like.My Son is 11 now and i have gone through many things already and am sure especially with the teenage years coming there is much more coming as well as many treasured adult years.Being a Mom is a job that has no timeclock you are on duty even while your sleeping.But there is nothing that can possibly compare to the feeling of being a Mom or the strong bond you feel for your child no matter what the age,their pain and sadness is your pain and sadness their happiness is your happiness.I feel there is nothing as strong as the love a Mother feels for her child.The feeling to take care of and protect is still there even when they are adults the only difference is when they are a child you make the choices of life for them and when they are an adult you hope you have taught them well and they make good choices in their lives on their own.So in closing i just want to say i am looking forward to showing my Mom how special she really is on her special day that lasts all year long.


Renee, aka mamacooker said...

Moms are a gift. I wish I still had mine with me. She passed in 1998.

Lippai Art said...

I agree mamacooker they truly are a gift.I am so sorry about your mother it must been very devastating to lose her.