Friday, February 26, 2010

Odd Cat Beds

For whatever reason my cats seem to love to sleep in my sinks and bathtubs.My one cat Pal has been right in the bath tub on numerous occasions now.Usually it starts with him playing with the bubbles then before you know it he is right in there.He does try to get out right away so obviously he doesnt enjoy being soaked but still continues to bubbleplay regularly.On any given day you can usually find any of my three young cats sleeping in a sink or tub.They do have cozy comfy cat beds and many human beds and couches to pick from but still seem to like to sleep in the bathrooms for whatever strange reasons.Here is pictures of my kitty Beauty during her usual afternoon nap.


Sarah said...

Adorable kitty! It's been years since I've shared a home with a cat that slept in sinks, but the two I have now like to keep me guessing about where they might turn up (and occasionally raise my blood pressure when I can't find them).

Lippai Art said...

Thanks Sarah,i agree that they find the best hiding places to sleep, every little nook and cranny looks cozy to them

M.M.E. said...

That is bizarre! My cat only goes in the bathroom to drink from the toilet.

Lippai Art said...

M.M.E that hilarious,but i better not laugh too hard as its probly only a matter of time before mine do the same